Comic Update - 05-27-2024

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Comic Update


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Yo! Check out the comics page for the awesome comics! Going to take even longer to see updates for the site…

Currently busy with a lot in my personal life. This stone will eventually be chiseled though.

Thank you for continuing to stay along for the ride!

The site is becoming more and more complete day by day…

I think the News site will be the first place to announce when the site is about done. At least, done to the point I’ll be satisfied to not really update the code of the site much for a while.

Didn’t think it’d take this long, but JavaScript is surprisingly finnicky to learn! Also, just messing around with CSS. Running into a strange issue where the comics on mobile are appearing as extremely tiny, but have to go back to a previous page, then going back to the page of tiny images for them to be resized. Dunno what that’s all about…

All a learning process. All exciting.

Also taking the time to learn C# and SQL. Could’ve used that to also make the site, but oh well! Jekyll and HTML it is. I actually do enjoy the simplicity. I’d say it would look better with a higher end language, and it’d probably make things easier, but I’m happy with the way things are.
